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What is PCOD?

Polycystic Ovarian Disease is a health condition where women ovaries produces immature eggs in large numbers and later time these become cysts.

On this page, you will learn :

  • Is PCOD a serious problem?
  • Symptoms of PCOD?
  • Main reason for PCOD?
  • Can PCOD be cured?
  • Conclusion

Is PCOD a serious problem?

Polycystic Ovarian Disease is a health condition where women ovaries are producing immature eggs in large numbers and later time these become cysts. This condition leads to increase production of the male hormones so called androgen that may lead to women having problems on pregnancy, anxiety/depression and weight gain. Overtime, PCOD patients may develop serious health problems like Diabetes and heart problems. A lot of women are not aware that they have it not unless they have sought medical consultation from their OB-Gynae.

What are the symptoms of PCOD?

  1. Delay in menstrual period
  2. Hormonal imbalance.
  3. Abnormal hair growth on face and body.
  4. Irregular ovulation.
PCOD symptoms,cure

What is the main reason for PCOD?

The main cause of PCOD is not known yet. Reasons associated with PCOD are :

  1. Low-grade inflammation
  2. Excess insulin
  3. Production of male hormones i.e. androgens
  4. Genetics
  5. Early age of menstruation
  6. Unhealthy lifestyle and pollution

Can PCOD be cured?

Proper nutrition and regular workouts help to prevent women from the complications of PCOD by regulating your insulin levels and androgen levels, thus helping you lose weight or even controlling it on the normal BMI which is at 18.5-24.9, helps regulate blood pressure, cholesterol and sugar levels and lessen the risk of getting heart problems.
At least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes per week of vigorous aerobic activity, or a combination of both, preferably spread throughout the week is recommended.


Though the exact reason & cure of PCOD is not known but our expert trainers & nutritionists can help you learn, stop & prevent this condition with customized diet & training programs. Our trainers come to you as per your convenience at your home, gym or clubs. We also give you an option to train at any of our partner gyms with no additional cost.

“Almost 10% of women in the world are suffering from PCOD”

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By: Covie Quintos – PTRP, REPS Certified PT, EBBF Sports Trainer

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